Published Tuesday, June 27, 2006 by John Sargent.
The last few days have been hectic (as usual) but fun! As friends left for home last week, new arrivals have come in. The other day a group of new Canadians on the ICP (6 months): Christine, Jorden, Matt, Matt, and myself went to MGM, did the big attractions, and saw Fantasmic!

On Sunday the group of us: Christine, Jorden, Tamara and myself toured around Epcot, had a great lunch at Le Cellier, then went to the Magic Kingdom for EMH.
The next 2 weeks promise to be just as busy - On June 29th there is a cast member preview for Pirates of the Caribbean, July 1st is Canada Day and I have tickets to the Shuttle Launch that afternoon (I will have to be up for 6am), the 4th of July, July 6th is a huge liquidation sale, and the 7th is the Pirates of the Caribbean movie premier. Not to mention anything else that may come up. :-)
Published Thursday, June 22, 2006 by John Sargent.
Some more pictures from Planet Hollywood:
Patrick, Sandra, her parents, and myself went to dinner at the California Grill on the top floor of the Contempory Resort, for a great view of the Magic Kingdom's fireworks.

This is one of the top restaurants at WDW (but not as good as Le Cellier).

Another night we went to the Magic Kingdom, went on Splash Mountain a couple of times, Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear. Another day after work we went to MGM to go on Rock'n Roller Coaster and the Tower of Terror. Then returned to Epcot for Illuminations and Japan for dinner.

Beverly Hills Ninja style dining in Japan: (an onion volcano). The next day we went to Downtown Disney and Team Disney. I then met up with some new Canadians over at Chatham, and we all went to Wal Mart, then DtD for dinner at Planet Hollywood.
Hey Everyone! Sorry for lack of updates recently, I have been incredibly busy with people leaving and people arriving (over 25 newbies). Here is a quick recap of what I have been up to:
I went to the Old Key West (DCV) last week for a great lunch at Olivia's with the head of Walt Disney World casting. I learned lots of neat things, and had a great lunch.

After lunch I headed to Epcot before work, and with some time to kill I decided to go visit my friend at Test Track, who was able to show me the exclusive GM lounge above the attraction.

It has great views of Epcot, the resorts, and the people.

Ive spent the last few days with friends that were leaving, going to the parks, Illuminations, out for dinner, and had fun. Sandra was staying at Saratoga Springs, and we all loved to visit her and use her pool until 4 in the morning. ;-)
Published Saturday, June 10, 2006 by John Sargent.
A few days ago on one of my days off a group of us went to Busch Gardens in Tampa (Jessie, Brad, Sandra, AJ, and myself). We went on all of the major rides, including ShiKra which goes straight down 200 feet. We had an great time, and I ended up getting a dual annual pass for Busch Gardens & Seaworld (the price of 2 days).

Published Thursday, June 08, 2006 by John Sargent.
I forgot to post this last week, but one morning Shanan (haunted mansion), Shayna (toontown), Louisa (jungle cruise), and myself went exploring around Epcot. It was the first time for a couple of them, so we made sure we visited each country and tried to see as much as possible. We had fun trying on hats and meeting the different cast members in the different countries. We went to Alfredo's for lunch, where I had a great pasta sampler dish. It was a really fun day.
Published Wednesday, June 07, 2006 by John Sargent.
The last few days have been a little hectic. The day started out cloudy, and then by the time I had walked to the other end of the costuming building, it was pouring! And to top it off, I was doing Am. Gard. for Arlo Guthrie, so I put on a poncho and waited out the storm. That night a few of us went to the MK for EMH.
On my first day off I headed to the AK, with Pierre-Luc and a few of his friends from Mexico.

On my second day off (yesterday) another group of us headed to Universal; Brad, Jen, Kaitlin and myself. We had lunch at the #1 theme park restaurant in the world, went on Dueling Dragons, Dudley Do-Right (where we got soaked) then headed over to the Studios until close.

After Universal, we went to Epcot for EMH and had dinner at Mitsoukoshi, which was awesome.